Sunday, January 22, 2017


      To whomever might be reading this blog, I am pleased to say hello and welcome.
As the title might suggest my name is Grace and this is my first blog experience. I love art in all its many forms, and I like to think that I am pretty proficient with pencil or paint. 

     My reason for creating this blog is that I am just a simple college student with an assignment to fulfill. I aim to have as much fun with this blog as possible while sharing with you my experiences in the digital media course for which this blog if for. 
    I have very little experience in digital media and frankly it irks me a bit,  but I'm ready to learn and take the challenge.

Also I do have another blog going at the same time as this one, 
so feel free to check it out!
Photographic Memory
Upper Left acrylic, Upper Right ink,
Lower Left Pencil, Lower Right charcoal
Oil, Colored pencil, Gesso


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